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4 Star – Long and Short Reviews
Thank you Lavender at Long and Short Reviews for a four star review of The Icon.
“There are wonderful discoveries and twists and turns in this story, and subjects with depth.”
Click here to read more.
The Icon Review
“Carla Golian’s THE ICON is a religious, spiritual, historical, romance tale all masterfully wrapped up in a mystery novel. THE ICON lures you in with the main character’s personal secret and then leads you on her journey for answers, paying it all off as well as any movie.
While reading THE ICON, you’ll feel as if you’ve been swept away to Paris. And when you’ve finished the book, you’ll be questioning your own place in the universe. A fun and thoughtful read. “
~ Jason Filardi, writer of Bringing Down the House and 17 Again
The Icon Review
I’m happy to share a review of The Icon by the lovely Aimee Ann.
“Readers now and then will come across that one book that blows them away and The Icon was that book for me. This is thanks to the unique premise, unlike anything I have read of or heard before.”
Click on the link below for full review.
Hello everyone,
I would like to thank Joanne for featuring me as Author In The Spotlight on her Portobello Book Blog. It is a pleasure to share it with you all.
Click the link below to be taken to the blog post.
The Icon Soundtrack
Songs featured in the novel “The Icon”. Click Here to experience the novel.

The Icon
What is God? Who am I? Why am I here?
These are questions Victoria has been endlessly trying to answer all her life.
Things take a turn when she comes across a book, “La Très Sainte Pyramide.” The three centuries old writer and alchemist, The Count of Saint Germain, has authored the book.
Is it real? Is he alive? Is the book legitimate or is it a scam?
Victoria sets out to answer!
Available on Kindle

The Icon
I am happy to reveal the cover of my next book.