Category Archives: random thoughts
It’s Christmas time…
It’s Christmas time; a good time as any other to be thankful for all we have.
To feel the joy and share in and expand on this love, and carry it with us onwards as the new year goes by.
It is always better to be thankful, than bitter and sad, no matter the ailment.
And there is always something to be thankful for.
So thank you God, for my health, and life.
Blessings to all souls in the universe.
Merry Christmas!
I fell in love with an Ape
His name is Caesar, from Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
Wow, what a movie. I loved it!
The story was fantastic, and so was Caesar.
I loved his expressive and powerful eyes and his brave will to fight for justice. My heart connected with his.
Wonderful acting Caesar!
I strongly recommend it for anyone who wants to watch a good movie.
They say love is blind… Tis True!
The enigma of the human condition
Mimicking each other, even in our sleep, awake, sleepwalking down the road to death, trans formed, some cutting in front, some leaving to the end of the line.
Running desperately for the next red light, to make a stop and take a rest, not knowing what the rest really means. We never stop, it never ceases. Thank God for the accidents, disasters and misfortunes, only he can intervene and shine the light in our eyes.
Layers and layers of shit, piled on top of each other, but there’s no escaping the stink, not even in our wildest dreams.

God and the Devil
“Music isn’t just something that comforts or distracts us, it goes beyond that – it’s an ideology. You can judge people by the kind of music they listen to.”
~ Paulo Coelho, The Witch of Portobello
“Man needs what’s worst in him in order to achieve what’s best in him.”
~ Paulo Coelho, The Devil and Miss Prym
Images ©The Witch of Portobello.
Paulo Coelho’s Experimental Film The Witch of Portobello, based on his best-selling book of the same name.
Your Words
With the sound of the truth, or was it anger?
it matters not, right now!
You shattered my heart into a million pieces.
Those words, that weapon
they’re playing in my head, again and again.
Tell me, did you mean it, or was it just anger?
It matters for tomorrow.
But today, the deed is done.
The stab in my heart, you can’t take it back, it can’t be undone.
Now, only time is my best friend.
Only time can heal me now.